Web Threats Reports

Shields up! Why Russia's war on Ukraine should matter to security pros
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EBOOK: The build-up to the attack on Ukraine by Russia on 24 February saw widespread warnings from cyber security companies and government agencies that the world was on the verge of a devastating cyber war. In this E-Guide, we will explore some of the more impactful cyber security stories that have unfolded around the war.
Posted: 11 Mar 2022 | Published: 11 Mar 2022

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

Decentralising datacentres: The new challenges of security at the edge
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EGUIDE: In September 2020, the Computer Weekly Security Think Tank, our panel of information and cyber security experts, consideredthe challenges inherent in decentralising the datacentre, and set out to answer the question, how can security professionals ensure such setups are just as secure as the traditional centralised model? Read more in this e-guide.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 28 Sep 2020

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

Multi-pronged approach to cyber security professional development
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EGUIDE: In this e-guide, we look at why organisations lack basic prevention, detection and response capabilities. Also, while mastering security basics should always be a top priority, the challenges in securing critical infrastructure and the internet of things provide ample opportunity for further professional development.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 21 Mar 2019

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

CW Europe - June-August 2020: 5G rush in Russia
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EZINE: Russian mobile operators are pooling their resources to help them overcome the technical challenges of creating 5G networks. Also read how Swedbank is rebuilding its anti-money laundering systems after a damning report, and how a public-private partnership in the Netherlands is helping to combat cyber fraudsters.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 11 Jun 2020

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

What Is The Next Step For Next-Gen Antivirus?
sponsored by Palo Alto Networks
WHITE PAPER: Enterprises need new strategies and more intelligent investments to holistically protect their valuable data from adversaries today and in the future. Get the paper today and protect your organization against tomorrow's attacks.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 05 Jan 2021

Palo Alto Networks

CW Benelux - February-April 2021: Is reluctance to report cyber crimes in the Netherlands helping the criminals to get away?
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EZINE: According to an academic study in the Netherlands, only one in seven Dutch people report a cyber crime to the police when it happens - feeling it is better to sort the problem out themselves because they don't think the police will do anything.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 11 Feb 2021

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

CW ASEAN: Time to dial up defences
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EZINE: In this month's issue of CW ASEAN, we take a closer look at ASEAN's patchy cyber security landscape, including varying levels of cyber resilience across the region, cyber security strategies adopted by different countries, as well as efforts to improve cyber capabilities and foster greater collaboration in the common fight against cyber threats.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 08 Mar 2018

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

Top 10 cyber security stories of 2019
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EGUIDE: 2019 was a busy year in the world of cyber security, with big stories around network security, data privacy and protection, and the state of General Data Protection Regulation compliance all hitting the headlines – and that's before we even get started on the issue of cyber crime. Here are Computer Weekly's top 10 cyber security stories of 2019.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 23 Dec 2019

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

Infographic: 5 ways to achieve a risk-based security strategy
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EGUIDE: In this infographic, learn five steps to implement a risk-based security strategy that naturally delivers compliance as a consequence of an improved security posture.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 16 Aug 2019

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

Manchester United praised for swift response to cyber attack
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EGUIDE: The Theatre of Dreams briefly turned into The Theatre of Nightmares last week as Manchester United Football Club suffered a cyber-attack on their systems. This e-Guide dives into more depth about how the attack happened and what Manchester United's cyber security team did, in order to prevent a loss of data and keep a clean sheet.
Posted: 01 Jul 2021 | Published: 01 Jul 2021

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com